“For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)

Thank you for choosing to give towards Bible Institute of Hawaii as we partner with churches to bring Christ-centered, life-changing biblical teaching to the people of Hawaii. All donations are tax-deductible and are processed using a secure server. 

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Prison Ministry Classes by sponsoring an inmate 

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Mail-in a Check (we encourage not to mail-in cash)

Bible Institute of Hawai‘i
2345 Nu’uanu Avenue
Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96817
Make checks payable to “BIH” or “Bible Institute of Hawaii” 

Include any instructions on a sheet of paper or use this printable donation form. Please notate in your check’s memo the purpose of your gift (for example write. General Fund, Ada Lum Fund, etc.). Include additional contact information like your phone number and email (if not already included on your check). 

Throughout its history, Bible Institute of Hawai‘i has received many special gifts from donors who have remembered BIH in estate planning. Your gift is tax deductible. Information on planned giving can be received from Bible Institute of Hawai‘i by phone, mail or email: contact us.

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